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Spring Hest 2014

Tina DufourCarlton Homeboy258
Lise KjelstrupLuega Love95
Ditte Andersenlucy ask88
Charlotte KondrupSpeedy Sparrow88
Cathrine MeinertzLeonardo88
Cathrine MeinertzCarmen77
Simone Hansen ScherffWatokia G75
Stina Marie Carlsen Hummels minnie the moocher70
Nikoline DahleCc Catch66
Charlotte KondrupCentibetia64
Ditte Andersencarneval de paris korsvænget59
Marie JuulGuarionex48
Amanda Gether LundUdo48
Amanda Bjerrum SchjørmannCrown Of Denmark Z37
Jeanne KallehaveMiss Malibu33
Laura Bækgaard WiggersLuis B29
Tina DufourQuinthago28
Bonnie Isabella WahlstenCæzar27
Katja BergGamlish Chaday-Deligth25
Desirée Kruuse LarsenLegend 25
Sophia O. LundVilleroy18
Camilla WeidemannStokbroens Flora16
Charlotte KondrupLa Bell15
Elisabeth AndersenNykildegårds C-Mig14
Mathilde Mågård HansenZ Op's Sweetheart12
Amalie ChristiansenVanida10
Pernille HoffTwice as Nice Z7
Pernille Krümmel Anna Bell Cahors4